
Posted By: Joy Published: 03/11/2023 Times Read: 381 Comments: 0
Whirling Leaves (Yangqin & Zhongruan Music)

Whirling Leaves depicts the romantic vision of leaves fluttering in the autumn wind, employing a song-like main melody and delicately expressive musical language....

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Posted By: Joy Published: 14/04/2023 Times Read: 474 Comments: 0
Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake (Yangqin Music)

"Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake" is a Chinese folk song. The music was composed to illustrate the beauty and grace of the famous West Lake in east China’s Hangzhou City which has been considered a gorgeous place of tranquility since ancient times....

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Posted By: Joy Published: 13/04/2023 Times Read: 406 Comments: 0
Festival on Tianshan Mountains (Yangqin Music)

“Festival on Tianshan Mountains” is a nice Yangqin piece filled with a festive vibe, which expresses people's happiness in the festival season as they dance and sing to the music....

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